Change Log Report

Total number of changed sets: 1

Changes between 2022-07-29 and 2022-12-09

Total commits: 9
Total number of files changed: 4

Timestamp Author Details
2022-10-26 11:52:20 Thomas Scheffler <> mycore-classbrowser/pom.xml v cdb90193669aff65aa998b35efa8f3cd2f00d513

fixed formatting of pom.xml
2022-10-13 12:56:52 Robert Stephan <> mycore-classbrowser/pom.xml v f9610a8b95726e9db04f8f5e363893f0ae274640

MCR-2752 create mycore-bom Maven module and add <dependencyManagement> (#1690)

* MCR-2752 create mycore-bom Maven module and add <dependencyManagement>
* MCR-2752 sort pom.xml
The xml element <build> should be placed before <dependencyManagement>
The file /home/runner/work/mycore/mycore/mycore-base/pom.xml is not
* MCR-2752 cleanup/format XML / add license header
* MCR-2752 add LICENSE.txt
* add missing licenseinfo
2022-09-26 13:29:59 Sebastian Hofmann <> mycore-classbrowser/pom.xml v b69f8a7087f908d43e87260013c6bbeeb1cb2a15

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
2022-09-26 13:29:59 Sebastian Hofmann <> mycore-classbrowser/pom.xml v c43134292f5b62f4a85a4fed27dfd531aea30ffe

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release v2022.06.0
2022-09-26 13:16:33 Sebastian Hofmann <> mycore-classbrowser/src/main/java/org/mycore/frontend/servlets/ v 74d314ffd081d09e0a78f182ba4b6c721884d903

Release preparation (#1680)

* update swagger version to 2.2.2

* update jackson version to 2.13.4

* update gson version to 2.9.1

* update cron utils to 9.2.0

* update html2pdf to 4.0.3

* update itext version to 7.2.3

* update log4j version to 2.19.0

* update pdfbox version to 2.0.26

* update solrj to 8.11.2

* update citationstyles to 22.7

* update jersy version to 3.0.8

* update junit version to 5.9.0

* update zxing:core to 3.5.0

* update persistence-api to 3.1.0

* update to 3.1.0

* update jwt version to 3.19.2

* update spotbugs-annotations to 4.7.2

* fixed copyrights

* reformat code
2022-08-09 16:29:46 Robert Stephan <> mycore-classbrowser/src/main/resources/META-INF/web-fragment.xml v a5d6d7f131f07119cb97896ebaccf996feedeefa

MCR-2716 update web-fragment.xml to Servlet 5.0 Spec
2022-07-29 09:31:20 Thomas Scheffler <> mycore-classbrowser/pom.xml v afc6e848ae568edc4ddff01d6b6181cf228bbd7d

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
2022-07-29 09:31:19 Thomas Scheffler <> mycore-classbrowser/pom.xml v 2b8ef347313ce273c65de60e5471e40212150551

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release v2022.05
2019-02-08 11:21:55 Arne Klemenz <> mycore-classbrowser/src/main/java/org/mycore/frontend/servlets/ v 7ced255f4936b8e6cd391bb4ebeb2e2eea1775e9
mycore-classbrowser/src/main/resources/xsl/classificationBrowser.xsl v 7ced255f4936b8e6cd391bb4ebeb2e2eea1775e9

MCR-2745 add parameter to exclude parts of the classification from browser view