Interface MCRFact<V>

Type Parameters:
V - the class of the value.
All Known Implementing Classes:
MCRAbstractFact, MCRCategoryIDFact, MCRIpAddressFact, MCRObjectIDFact, MCRStringFact

public interface MCRFact<V>
A fact is simple piece of information. It is retrieved by an @MCRFactComputer from a certain MyCoReObject, Derivate, ... and other information from the application (e.g. MCRSession) or from other already retrieved facts. It consists of a name and a typed value. Additional the query string, used to retrieve the fact is, stored. This can be useful for facts, that are retrieved via regular expression or wildcard expressions.
Robert Stephan
  • Method Details

    • setName

      void setName(String name)
    • getName

      String getName()
    • setTerm

      void setTerm(String term)
    • getTerm

      String getTerm()
    • setValue

      void setValue(V value)
    • getValue

      V getValue()