CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.49.0.


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org\mycore\mods\access\facts\condition\MCRMODSCollectionCondition.java MyCoRe MODS 45
org\mycore\mods\access\facts\condition\MCRMODSGenreCondition.java MyCoRe MODS 45
private String idFact = "objid";

    public void parse(Element xml) {
        this.idFact = Optional.ofNullable(xml.getAttributeValue("idfact")).orElse("objid");

    public Optional<MCRStringFact> computeFact(MCRFactsHolder facts) {

        Optional<MCRObjectIDFact> idc = facts.require(idFact);
        if (idc.isPresent()) {
            Optional<MCRObject> optMCRObject = idc.get().getObject();
            if (optMCRObject.isPresent()) {
                MCRMODSWrapper wrapper = new MCRMODSWrapper(optMCRObject.get());
                List<Element> e = wrapper.getElements(XPATH_COLLECTION);
                if ((e != null) && !(e.isEmpty())) {
                    String value = e.get(0).getAttributeValue("valueURI").split("#")[1];
                    if (value.equals(getTerm())) {
                        MCRStringFact fact = new MCRStringFact(getFactName(), getTerm());
                        return Optional.of(fact);
        return Optional.empty();
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org\mycore\common\events\MCREventHandlerBase.java MyCoRe Base Components 101
org\mycore\common\events\MCREventHandlerBase.java MyCoRe Base Components 238
updateDerivateFileIndex(evt, der);
                            .warn("Can't find method for a derivate data handler for event type {}",
            logger.warn("Can't find method for " + evt.getObjectType() + " for event type {}", evt.getEventType());

        if (evt.getObjectType() == MCREvent.ObjectType.PATH) {
            Path path = (Path) evt.get(MCREvent.PATH_KEY);
            if (path != null) {
                if (!path.isAbsolute()) {
                    logger.warn("Cannot handle path events on non absolute paths: {}", path);
                logger.debug("{} handling {} {}", getClass().getName(), path, evt.getEventType());
                BasicFileAttributes attrs = (BasicFileAttributes) evt.get(MCREvent.FILEATTR_KEY);
                if (attrs == null && evt.getEventType() != MCREvent.EventType.DELETE) {
                    logger.warn("BasicFileAttributes for {} was not given. Resolving now.", path);
                    try {
                        attrs = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, BasicFileAttributeView.class).readAttributes();
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        logger.error("Could not get BasicFileAttributes from path: {}", path, e);
                switch (evt.getEventType()) {
                    case CREATE:
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org\mycore\sword\servlets\MCRSwordContainerServlet.java MyCoRe SWORD Interface 43
org\mycore\sword\servlets\MCRSwordMediaResourceServlet.java MyCoRe SWORD Interface 40
api = new ContainerAPI(containerManager, statementManager, swordConfiguration);

    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        prepareRequest(req, resp);
        api.get(req, resp);
        afterRequest(req, resp);

    public void doHead(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        prepareRequest(req, resp);
        api.head(req, resp);
        afterRequest(req, resp);

    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        prepareRequest(req, resp);
        api.post(req, resp);
        afterRequest(req, resp);

    public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        prepareRequest(req, resp);
        api.put(req, resp);
        afterRequest(req, resp);

    public void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        prepareRequest(req, resp);
        api.delete(req, resp);
        afterRequest(req, resp);
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org\mycore\restapi\v1\utils\MCRRestAPIObjectsHelper.java MyCoRe REST API 462
org\mycore\restapi\v1\utils\MCRRestAPIObjectsHelper.java MyCoRe REST API 598
            try {
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
                xout.output(docOut, sw);
                return Response.ok(sw.toString())
                    .type("application/xml; charset=UTF-8")
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new MCRRestAPIException(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                    new MCRRestAPIError(MCRRestAPIError.CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, GENERAL_ERROR_MSG, e.getMessage()));

        //output as JSON
        if (MCRRestAPIObjects.FORMAT_JSON.equals(format)) {
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            try {
                JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw);
                writer.setIndent("    ");
                for (MCRObjectIDDate oid : objIdDates) {
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org\mycore\lod\controller\MCRLodClassification.java MyCoRe Linked Open Data 142
org\mycore\restapi\v2\MCRRestClassifications.java MyCoRe REST API 131
@MCRCacheControl(maxAge = @MCRCacheControl.Age(time = 1, unit = TimeUnit.DAYS),
        sMaxAge = @MCRCacheControl.Age(time = 1, unit = TimeUnit.DAYS))
    @Path("/{" + PARAM_CLASSID + "}/{" + PARAM_CATEGID + "}")
    @Operation(summary = "Returns Classification with the given " + PARAM_CLASSID + " and " + PARAM_CATEGID + ".",
        responses = @ApiResponse(content = {
            @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MCRClass.class)),
            @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MCRClassCategory.class))
            description = "If media type parameter " + MCRDetailLevel.MEDIA_TYPE_PARAMETER
                + " is 'summary' an MCRClassCategory is returned. "
                + "In other cases MCRClass with different detail level."),

    public Response getClassification(@PathParam(PARAM_CLASSID) String classId,
        @PathParam(PARAM_CATEGID) String categId) {
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org\mycore\restapi\v1\utils\MCRRestAPIObjectsHelper.java MyCoRe REST API 489
org\mycore\restapi\v1\utils\MCRRestAPIObjectsHelper.java MyCoRe REST API 628

                return Response.ok(sw.toString())
                    .type("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new MCRRestAPIException(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                    new MCRRestAPIError(MCRRestAPIError.CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, GENERAL_ERROR_MSG, e.getMessage()));
        throw new MCRRestAPIException(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
            new MCRRestAPIError(MCRRestAPIError.CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, "A problem in programm flow", null));
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org\mycore\pi\urn\MCRURNGranularOAIService.java MyCoRe Persistent Identifier 164
org\mycore\pi\urn\rest\MCRURNGranularRESTService.java MyCoRe Persistent Identifier 243

    private List<String> getIgnoreFileList() {
        List<String> ignoreFileNamesList = new ArrayList<>();
        String ignoreFileNames = getProperties().get("IgnoreFileNames");
        if (ignoreFileNames != null) {
        } else {
            ignoreFileNamesList.add("mets\\.xml"); // default value
        return ignoreFileNamesList;

    protected void registerIdentifier(MCRBase obj, String additional, MCRDNBURN urn)
        throws MCRPersistentIdentifierException {
        // not used in this impl

    protected void delete(MCRDNBURN identifier, MCRBase obj, String additional)
        throws MCRPersistentIdentifierException {
        throw new MCRPersistentIdentifierException("Delete is not supported for " + getType());

    protected void update(MCRDNBURN identifier, MCRBase obj, String additional)
        throws MCRPersistentIdentifierException {
        //TODO: improve API, don't override method to do nothing
        LOGGER.info("No update in this implementation");
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org\mycore\datamodel\metadata\MCRMetaLink.java MyCoRe Base Components 261
org\mycore\datamodel\metadata\MCRMetaLinkID.java MyCoRe Base Components 245
MCRMetaLink other = (MCRMetaLink) obj;
        if (!Objects.equals(from, other.from)) {
            return false;
        } else if (!Objects.equals(href, other.href)) {
            return false;
        } else if (!Objects.equals(label, other.label)) {
            return false;
        } else if (!Objects.equals(linktype, other.linktype)) {
            return false;
        } else if (!Objects.equals(role, other.role)) {
            return false;
        } else if (!Objects.equals(title, other.title)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return Objects.equals(to, other.to);

     * This method read the XML input stream part from a DOM part for the metadata of the document.
     * @param element
     *            a relevant DOM element for the metadata
     * @exception MCRException
     *                if the xlink:type is not locator or arc or if href or from and to are null or empty
    public void setFromDOM(Element element) throws MCRException {
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org\mycore\pi\purl\MCRPURLManager.java MyCoRe Persistent Identifier 260
org\mycore\pi\purl\MCRPURLManager.java MyCoRe Persistent Identifier 298
if (response != 200 && conn.getErrorStream() != null && LOGGER.isErrorEnabled()) {
                try (BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getErrorStream(),
                    StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
                    String line = null;
                    LOGGER.error(conn.getRequestMethod() + " " + conn.getURL() + " -> " + conn.getResponseCode());
                    while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            if (conn != null) {
        return response;

     * deletes an existing PURL
     * @param purl
     * @return the HTTP Status Code of the request
    public int deletePURL(String purl) {
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org\mycore\restapi\v1\MCRRestAuthorizationFilter.java MyCoRe REST API 99
org\mycore\restapi\v2\MCRRestAuthorizationFilter.java MyCoRe REST API 85
throws MCRRestAPIException {
        LogManager.getLogger().debug("Permission: {}, Object: {}, Derivate: {}, Path: {}", permission, objectId, derId,
        Optional<String> checkable = Optional.ofNullable(derId)
            .filter(d -> path != null) //only check for derId if path is given
            .orElseGet(() -> Optional.ofNullable(objectId));
        checkable.ifPresent(id -> LogManager.getLogger().info("Checking " + permission + " access on " + id));
        MCRRequestScopeACL aclProvider = MCRRequestScopeACL.getInstance(requestContext);
        boolean allowed = checkable
            .map(id -> aclProvider.checkPermission(id, permission.toString()))
        if (allowed) {
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org\mycore\pi\MCRGenericPIGenerator.java MyCoRe Persistent Identifier 343
org\mycore\pi\urn\MCRCountingDNBURNGenerator.java MyCoRe Persistent Identifier 51
.getList(getType(), -1, -1);

        // extract the number of the PI
        Optional<Integer> highestNumber = list.stream()
            .map(pi -> {
                // extract the number of the PI
                Matcher matcher = regExpPattern.matcher(pi);
                if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() == 1) {
                    String group = matcher.group(1);
                    return Integer.parseInt(group, 10);
                } else {
                    return null;
            .map(n -> n + 1);
        return new AtomicInteger(highestNumber.orElse(0));
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org\mycore\iview2\frontend\MCRPDFTools.java MyCoRe IView2 138
org\mycore\media\services\MCRPdfThumbnailGenerator.java MyCoRe MediaInfo 71
private static PDPage resolveOpenActionPage(PDDocument pdf) throws IOException {
        PDDestinationOrAction openAction = pdf.getDocumentCatalog().getOpenAction();

        if (openAction instanceof PDActionGoTo) {
            final PDDestination destination = ((PDActionGoTo) openAction).getDestination();
            if (destination instanceof PDPageDestination) {
                openAction = destination;

        if (openAction instanceof PDPageDestination) {
            final PDPageDestination namedDestination = (PDPageDestination) openAction;
            final PDPage pdPage = namedDestination.getPage();
            if (pdPage != null) {
                return pdPage;
            } else {
                int pageNumber = namedDestination.getPageNumber();
                if (pageNumber != -1) {
                    return pdf.getPage(pageNumber);

        return pdf.getPage(0);
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org\mycore\iview2\frontend\MCRPDFTools.java MyCoRe IView2 106
org\mycore\iview2\frontend\MCRThumbnailServlet.java MyCoRe IView2 212
final Graphics2D bg = bicubicScaledPage.createGraphics();
        try {
            bg.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
            int x = centered ? (thumbnailSize - newWidth) / 2 : 0;
            int y = centered ? (thumbnailSize - newHeight) / 2 : 0;
            if (x != 0 && y != 0) {
                LOGGER.warn("Writing at position {},{}", x, y);
            bg.drawImage(level1Image, x, y, x + newWidth, y + newHeight, 0, 0, (int) Math.ceil(width),
                (int) Math.ceil(height), null);
        } finally {
        return bicubicScaledPage;
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org\mycore\restapi\v1\MCRRestAPIClassifications.java MyCoRe REST API 133
org\mycore\restapi\v1\MCRRestAPIClassifications.java MyCoRe REST API 465
for (Element eLabel : e.getChildren("label")) {
                if (lang == null || lang.equals(eLabel.getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE))) {
                    writer.name("lang").value(eLabel.getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE));
                    if (eLabel.getAttributeValue("description") != null) {

            if (e.getChildren("category").size() > 0) {
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org\mycore\lod\MCRLodFeature.java MyCoRe Linked Open Data 44
org\mycore\restapi\MCRRestFeature.java MyCoRe REST API 44
public class MCRLodFeature extends MCRJerseyDefaultFeature {
    public void configure(ResourceInfo resourceInfo, FeatureContext context) {
        Class<?> resourceClass = resourceInfo.getResourceClass();
        Method resourceMethod = resourceInfo.getResourceMethod();
        if (requiresTransaction(resourceClass, resourceMethod)) {
        super.configure(resourceInfo, context);

     * Checks if the class/method is annotated by {@link MCRRequireTransaction}.
     * @param resourceClass the class to check
     * @param resourceMethod the method to check
     * @return true if one ore both is annotated and requires transaction
    protected boolean requiresTransaction(Class<?> resourceClass, Method resourceMethod) {
        return resourceClass.getAnnotation(MCRRequireTransaction.class) != null
            || resourceMethod.getAnnotation(MCRRequireTransaction.class) != null;

    protected List<String> getPackages() {
        return MCRConfiguration2.getString("MCR.LOD.Resource.Packages").map(MCRConfiguration2::splitValue)
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org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestDerivateAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 69
org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestObjectAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 68
summary = "Lists all access keys for a derivate",
        responses = {
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
                array = @ArraySchema(schema = @Schema(implementation = MCRAccessKey.class))) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "" + MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.CODE_INVALID, // 400
                description = MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.MSG_INVALID,
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "401",
                description = "You do not have create permission and need to authenticate first",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Derivate or access key does not exist",
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org\mycore\iview2\services\MCRIView2Tools.java MyCoRe IView2 278
org\mycore\iview2\services\MCRIView2Tools.java MyCoRe IView2 299
public static BufferedImage readTile(Path iviewFileRoot, ImageReader imageReader, int zoomLevel, int x, int y)
        throws IOException {
        String tileName = new MessageFormat("{0}/{1}/{2}.jpg", Locale.ROOT).format(new Object[] { zoomLevel, y, x });
        Path tile = iviewFileRoot.resolve(tileName);
        if (Files.exists(tile)) {
            try (SeekableByteChannel fileChannel = Files.newByteChannel(tile)) {
                ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(fileChannel);
                if (iis == null) {
                    throw new IOException("Could not acquire ImageInputStream from SeekableByteChannel: " + tile);
                imageReader.setInput(iis, true);
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org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestDerivateAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 72
org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestDerivateAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 96
array = @ArraySchema(schema = @Schema(implementation = MCRAccessKey.class))) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "" + MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.CODE_INVALID, // 400
                description = MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.MSG_INVALID,
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "401",
                description = "You do not have create permission and need to authenticate first",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Derivate or access key does not exist",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
    public Response listAccessKeysForDerivate(@PathParam(PARAM_DERID) final MCRObjectID derivateId,
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org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestObjectAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 71
org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestObjectAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 95
array = @ArraySchema(schema = @Schema(implementation = MCRAccessKey.class))) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "" + MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.CODE_INVALID, // 400
                description = MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.MSG_INVALID,
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "401",
                description = "You do not have create permission and need to authenticate first",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Object or access key does not exist",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
    public Response listAccessKeysForObject(@PathParam(PARAM_MCRID) final MCRObjectID objectId,
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org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestDerivateAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 93
org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestObjectAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 92
summary = "Gets access key for a derivate",
        responses = {
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
                schema = @Schema(implementation = MCRAccessKey.class))),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "" + MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.CODE_INVALID, // 400
                description = MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.MSG_INVALID,
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "401",
                description = "You do not have create permission and need to authenticate first",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Derivate or access key does not exist",
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org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestDerivateAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 72
org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestDerivateAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 96
org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestDerivateAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 172
array = @ArraySchema(schema = @Schema(implementation = MCRAccessKey.class))) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "" + MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.CODE_INVALID, // 400
                description = MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.MSG_INVALID,
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "401",
                description = "You do not have create permission and need to authenticate first",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Derivate or access key does not exist",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
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org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestObjectAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 71
org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestObjectAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 95
org\mycore\mcr\acl\accesskey\restapi\v2\MCRRestObjectAccessKeys.java MyCoRe ACL 171
array = @ArraySchema(schema = @Schema(implementation = MCRAccessKey.class))) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "" + MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.CODE_INVALID, // 400
                description = MCRObjectIDParamConverterProvider.MSG_INVALID,
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "401",
                description = "You do not have create permission and need to authenticate first",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
            @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Object or access key does not exist",
                content = { @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }),
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org\mycore\mods\access\facts\condition\MCRMODSCollectionCondition.java MyCoRe MODS 45
org\mycore\mods\access\facts\condition\MCRMODSEmbargoCondition.java MyCoRe MODS 40
org\mycore\mods\access\facts\condition\MCRMODSGenreCondition.java MyCoRe MODS 45
private String idFact = "objid";

    public void parse(Element xml) {
        this.idFact = Optional.ofNullable(xml.getAttributeValue("idfact")).orElse("objid");

    public Optional<MCRStringFact> computeFact(MCRFactsHolder facts) {

        Optional<MCRObjectIDFact> idc = facts.require(idFact);
        if (idc.isPresent()) {
            Optional<MCRObject> optMCRObject = idc.get().getObject();
            if (optMCRObject.isPresent()) {
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org\mycore\pi\handle\MCREpicService.java MyCoRe Persistent Identifier 104
org\mycore\pi\purl\MCRPURLService.java MyCoRe Persistent Identifier 130
MCRHandle identifier) {
        Date registrationStarted = null;
        if (getRegistrationPredicate().test(obj)) {
            registrationStarted = new Date();
            startRegisterJob(obj, identifier);

        MCRPI databaseEntry = new MCRPI(identifier.asString(), getType(), obj.getId().toString(), additional,
            this.getServiceID(), provideRegisterDate(obj, additional), registrationStarted);
        return databaseEntry;

    protected void registerIdentifier(MCRBase obj, String additional, MCRHandle pi)