All Classes and Interfaces

This is the base implementation for a combined condition.
This class is an abstract for the implementation of command classes for the MyCoRe commandline system.
This is the base implementation for a condition.
Starting class for all mycore websocket endpoints.
This is the base implementation for a fact.
This is the base implementation for a condition which evaluates or produces facts Subclasses should call super.parse(xml) to bind the XML element to the condition.
Compares and merges mods:abstract elements.
Provides information about a stored version of metadata and allows to retrieve that version from SVN
Base class for all ModsMetadataServices.
Can be used as base class for an MCRProcessable.
Base implementation for an MCRProgressable.
This class is a base implementation of the MCRAccessInterface.
Clears the access cache when an object is updated or deleted.
This class provides helper functions for access cache.
This class provides a set of commands for the org.mycore.access management which can be used by the command line interface.
Translates <mods:accessCondition /> into mycore classifications
Used by MCRCORSResponseFilter to return values for Access-Control-Expose-Headers HTTP response header.
MyCoRe-Standard Implementation of the MCRAccessInterface Maps object ids to rules
This class provides a set of commands for the org.mycore.access package which can be used by the command line interface.
Maps object ids to rules
This class holds all EventHandler methods to manage the access part of the simple workflow.
Exception that refers to a collision of access keys.
Exception that refers to a disabled access key.
This class contains EventHandler methods to manage access keys of MCRObjects and MCRDerivates.
Instances of this class represent a general exception related to access keys.
Exception that refers to an expired access key.
Servlet filter that extracts access key value from query string and includes value if valid as an attribute into the session
Exception that refers to an invalid value.
Exception that refers to an invalid permission type.
Methods to manage MCRAccessKey.
Exception that refers to an unknown access key.
Strategy for MCRAccessKey.
Exception that refers to an error during transformation of an access key.
Methods for transforming MCRAccessKey between JSON.
Returns a JSON string with all MCRAccessKey for an given MCRObjectID.
Methods for setting and removing MCRAccessKey for users.
The purpose of this interface is to make the choice of the persistence layer configurable.
Maps collection and action to a redirect URL.
This exception holds information about a link condition that did not allow a certain action to be performed.
Solr resource for alto text highlighting.
This is a helper class to help GSON to convert simple model to JSON.
Created by sebastian on 25.11.15.
This condition combines its child conditions with a boolean AND
Used to mark REST methods that are not stable for production.
Filter all methods and classes marked by MCRApiDraft and return Response.Status.NOT_FOUND.
A jdom-filter which compares attribute values.
This StartupHandler deploys web resources and register filters/servlets to web container server, for with MCR-Auto-Deploy = true marked JARs.
This class is a abstract basic class for objects in the MyCoRe Project.
This class contains the basic commands for MyCoRe Command Line and WebCLI.
Implements a basket of entries.
Represents an entry in a basket.
Manages basket objects in the user's current MCRSession.
Manages basket objects in the persistent store.
Resolves entries from a basket, for example to edit the data in an editor form.
Provides the web front end to manage baskets and their contents.
Builds xml representations of a basket and its entries.
Parses XML representations of baskets and their entries.
Commands to batch add/remove/replace values like identifiers, categories, tags, flags etc. within XML.
Transforms BibTeX source code to JDOM MODS elements.
Wrapper around BibTeXItemDataProvider to make it reusable
Transforms MCRContent by invoking an external BibUtils command.
This class implements a special kind of BufferedInputStream that blocks invocations of the read method until the number of bytes that were requested are fully read from the underlying InputStream.
Class for parsing Boolean clauses
A extension of ByteArrayOutputStream that allows access to internal buffer.
Reads MCRContent from a byte[] array.
Instances of this class can be used as object cache.
Used to define the HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL header via annotation
This class implements all methods for handling calendars in MyCoRe objects and data models.
Login user with JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS).
Instances of this class represent a general exception thrown by any part of the MyCoRe implementation classes.
This implementation checks if the given object belongs to a certain classification entry.
Interface of the Data Access Object for Classifications.
Used for specific JPA queries only.
This fact implementation can store a MyCoRe classification as MCRCategoryID
Link between a category and an object.
Merges MODS elements that represent a classification category.
Central base implementation for a processable registry.
Abstract class of a concrete cipherimplementation After checking the permission call the encrypt an decrypt functionality.
Create Instances of MCRCipher as configured in
Commands for the classification system.
This class maps MyCoRe classification names to set names and vice versa in OAI implementation.
This servlet provides a way to visually navigate through the tree of categories of a classification.
This class is responsible for CRUD-operations of MCRCategories.
Maps classifications in Mods-Documents.
This class implements an event handler, which reloads classification entries stored in datafield mappings/mapping.
This class contains helper methods to handle mycore classifications.
Shows details about an exception that occured during command processing
This interface is for conditions that combine other conditions.
A ResourceBundle.Control that stacks ResourceBundles of MCRComponent.
Annotates a public static method as a command that could be executed via MCRCommandLineInterface.
Represents a command understood by the command line interface.
Annotates a class that holds public static methods as commands they could be executed via MCRCommandLineInterface.
The main class implementing the MyCoRe command line interface.
Manages all commands for the Command Line Interface and WebCLI.
Reads the next command entered at the stdin prompt.
Collects statistics on number of invocations and total time needed for each command invoked.
Utilities intended to reduce redundant code when writing variants of CLI commands.
This class abstracts different MyCoRe component types.
This servlet delivers the contents of MCROjects to the client in container files (see classes extending this servlet).
This interface represents a rule of the fact-based access system.
Servlet to map the properties defined in the init param "Properties" to a JSON object with the property name as key and the property value as value.
Provides methods to manage and read all configuration properties from the MyCoRe configuration files.
This helper class determines in which directory to look for addition configuration files.
Called by MCRStartupHandler on start up to setup MCRConfiguration2.
Instances of this class represent an exception thrown because of an error in the MyCoRe configuration.
A InputStream from (preferably) property files.
Lookup a value in MCRConfiguration2.
This class replaces the deprecated MCRDefaults interface and provides some final static fields of common use.
Used to read/write content from any source to any target.
This input stream is used by the MyCoRe filesystem classes to read the content of a file and import it into the System.
This filter uses Jersey's default implementation of UriConnectFilter to set the content headers by file extension.
Subclasses of MCRContentTransformer implement different methods to transform MCRContent.
Creates and returns MCRContentTransformer instances by their ID.
This filter can be used to add a specific Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to a response.
A Generator which helps to generate a URN with a counter inside.
This condition check if the given object has the specified createdby service flag.
Handles CREATE operation on MCRDerivate.
Handles CREATE operation on MCRObject.
First, a check is done if the user is in the submitter role, if the user is the creator of the object and if the creator ist permitted to perform the requested action in the object's current state (two groups of states, submitted, and review, are checked).
MCRCronjobManager.JOBS_CONFIG_PREFIX and automatic executed.
Schedules all Cronjobs defined with the property prefix MCRCronjobManager.JOBS_CONFIG_PREFIX.
Proivides Util functions for Crossref registration.
Java-based implementation of the unix crypt(3) command Based upon C source code written by Eric Young, Java conversion by John F.
This class provides a set of commands for the org.mycore.crypt management which can be used by the command line interface.
This class provides an URIResolver for encryption and decryption.
Used for DOI registration.
Represents the data URL scheme (RFC2397).
Helper for date validators to convert string input into a date value.
Validates date values specified by one or more SimpleDateFormat patterns separated by ";".
Does not really transform content, instead logs the current contents.
Helper for decimal validators to convert string input into a decimal value for a given locale.
Validates input to be a decimal number.
Classes can implement this interface if they want to use the decorator pattern.
The default implementation for MCRJobStatusListener
Manages persistence of MCRObject and MCRDerivate xml metadata.
Encapsulates a Runnable with in a object that can be fed into a DelayQueue Note: This class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals.
Handles DELTE operation on MCRDerivate.
Handles DELETE operation on MCRObject.
This class holds all information of a derivate.
Converts the source to an MCRDerivate object and transforms it to JSON using MCRDerivate.createJSON();
Provides static methods that implement commands for the MyCoRe command line interface.
This servlet transforms and delivers xml content from a derivate.
This servlet is used to display all parents of an mycore object and their containing derivates.
Created by chi on 07.02.17.
This class contains commands that may be helpful during development.
This is a NOOP OutputStream that does not write anywhere.
This servlet redirects to the DFG-viewer and sets all parameters for specific images automatically if needed parameters: deriv = the MyCoReID of the derivate (needed) file = the Filename of the image that had to be shown in the DFG-Viewer (optional)
Represents a directory stored in a file collection, which may contain other files and directories.
Base class for every DNBURN
Class for registering and updating urn managed by the DNB.
A doi Base Service which contains common DOI registration code.
Registers MCRDigitalObjectIdentifier at Datacite.
Reads MCRContent from a W3C DOM XML document.
Helper class to get DocumentBuilder instances from a common pool
Extend this class to include dynamic jdom content.
Validates the output of the Editor framework.
Enriches a given MODS publication by retrieving publication data from external data sources and merging that data into the existing data.
Allows debugging enrichment resolving steps.
Retrieves a publication as MODS XML from a given URI and enriches publication data using external data sources.
MCREntityResolver uses CatalogResolver for resolving entities or - for compatibility reasons - looks in classpath to resolve XSD and DTD files.
Implementation for this api
Represents an event that occured in the MyCoRe system.
Pre-defined event types *
Pre-defined event objects *
Category DAO Implementation with Event Handlers
Objects that implement this interface can react when some kind of predefined event happens in MyCoRe.
Abstract helper class that can be subclassed to implement event handlers more easily.
Acts as a multiplexer to forward events that are created to all registered event handlers, in the order that is configured in mycore properties.
Instances of this class represent a general exception thrown by any part of the MyCoRe implementation classes.
Tries to find the cause of an exception by diving down those exceptions that wrap other exceptions, recursively.
Represents a collection of XML data to export.
Provides functionality to export content.
Compares and merges mods:extent elements.
This interface is designed to incude external application commands.
Validates edited xml using an external method.
Extracts occurences of mods:relatedItem and stores them as separate MCRObjects.
A fact is simple piece of information.
This interface can be used to implement a class which can generated new facts based on the current fact list.
This interface describes a rule (from rules.xml) which can evaluate existing facts or create new facts if applicable.
base class for XML fact based access system enabled it with the 2 properties: MCR.Access.Class=org.mycore.access.facts.MCRFactsAccessSystem MCR.Access.Strategy.Class=org.mycore.access.facts.MCRFactsAccessSystem
Utility functions for parsing conditions from rules.xml in fact-based access system.
This class holds all facts which are validated as 'true' If an identical fact is request again during the rules processing the result is taken from here and won't be calculated again.
Implementation of the boolean "false" primitive
Represents a file stored in a file collection.
Represents a set of files and directories belonging together, that are stored in a persistent MCRFileStore.
Reads MCRContent from a local file.
This holds information about file metadata that is stored in derivate xml
Handles category links to files
This servlet delivers the contents of an MCRFilesystemNode to the client browser.
Stores file collections containing files and directories.
This MCRStartupHandler.AutoExecutable checks if the FileSystem implementations are available.
MCR.Upload.TempDirectory.Delete.Failed = Dass Löschen eines temporären Ordner ist gescheitert!
Encapsulates a Callable with a mycore session belonging to a specific user and a database transaction.
Builds a new, unique NISS based on the current date and time expressed in seconds.
This class implements the interface to use configured XSL-FO formatters for the layout service.
Returns the XSL-FO formatter instance configured via PROPERTY, for example (which is the default using Apache FOP)
This is an interface to use configured XSL-FO formatters for the layout service.
The MCRFooterInterface adds the possibility to write a different implementations and combine them for example with the MCRTileCombineServlet.
Transforms XSL-FO xml content to PDF.
Maps response status Response.Status.FORBIDDEN to Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED if current user is guest.
Servlet/Jersey Resource utility class.
MCR.PI.Generator.myGenerator=org.mycore.pi.urn.MCRGenericPIGenerator Set a generic pattern.
This class builds a google sitemap containing links to all documents and store them to the webapps directory.
This class implements all common methods to create the sitemap data.
This class builds a google sitemap containing links to all documents.
Represents a group of works as the activities:group element returned in the ORCID response to fetch work summaries.
Provides the header of the stream that is read.
Helper class to check if EntityManagerFactory is correctly configured.
This class implements the MCRLinkTableInterface.
Convinience class for sending http requests to the DNB urn service api.
Handles different HttpSession events.
Created by chi on 31.01.17.
Normalizes the different variants of hyphens in a given input text to the given character; defaults to a simple "minus".
Represents a publication's identifier like DOI or ISBN
Identifies identifiers in specific sources.
Compares and merges mods:identifier elements.
Represents a type of publication identifier, like DOI or ISBN.
This is a noop transformer.
Monitors a HttpClientConnectionManager for expired or idle connections.
The property BaseURLTemplate is your url and the MCRIDPURLGenerator will replace $ID with the actual MyCoRe-ID.
Ignores IOException when writing to client OutputStream
Base Class for most IIIF model classes
A link to a service that makes more functionality available for the resource, such as from an image to the base URI of an associated IIIF Image API service.
The direction that canvases of the resource should be presented when rendered for the user to navigate and/or read.
A hint to the client as to the most appropriate method of displaying the resource.
Handles MCRFile events to keep image tiles up-to-date.
Master image tiler thread.
Handles xed:include, xed:preload and xed:modify|xed:extend to include XEditor components by URI and ID.
Validates values to be integer numbers.
A class for representing an IP Address, or a range of IP addresses
This fact implementation can store an IP address
Implementation of a (ip xy) clause
This condition checks if the current user has an IP of the specified IP range.
holds info about a specific point in time.
is a helper class for MCRMetaISO8601Date.
Provides commands for Image Viewer.
Handles tiling process in a web application.
Tools class with common methods for IView2.
Adapter that can be extended to work with different internal files systems.
A EventHandler which runs as MCRSystemUserInformation.getJanitorInstance().
Reads MCRContent from a JDOM XML document.
Base interface to configure jersey in an mycore application.
Default jersey configuration for mycore.
Default feature for mycore.
Handles jersey web application exceptions.
Basic configuration for the MyCoRe Linked Open Data Endpoint
Entry point for mycore jersey configuration.
Contains some jersey utility methods.
Container class handled by hibernate to store and retrieve job information.
MCRJobAction must be extended to do some work for given MCRJob.
The master of all MCRJobThreads threads.
Represents the status of tiling jobs
Possible states of the job can be: MCRJobStatus.NEW job added to queue MCRJobStatus.PROCESSING job currently on processing MCRJobStatus.FINISHED job processing is finished
Interface one must implement to get notified about when an MCRJob has started, finished or failed.
A slave thread of MCRJobMaster.
JPA implementation of acceess store to manage access rights
Initializes JPA EntityManagerFactory
JPA implementation for RuleStore, storing access rules
GSON Category abstraction.
This class converts JSON to MCRMetsSimpleModel.
This class represents a label of a MCRCategory.
Represents a language in the datamodel, independent of the type of code used to encode it.
Represents a type of langauge code, currently the ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2b and 2t code types.
Detects the language of a given text string by looking for typical words and word endings and used characters for each language.
Returns MCRLanguage instances.
Resolves languages by code.
Helper class to map xml:lang and lang attributes in XML to MCRLanguage
Does the layout for other MyCoRe servlets by transforming XML input to various output formats, using XSL stylesheets.
This class acts as a MCRContentTransformer factory for MCRLayoutService.
This class acts as a MCRContentTransformer factory for MCRLayoutService.
Xalan extention for navigation.xsl
A StreamSource that offers a lazy initialization to MCRLazyStreamSource.getInputStream().
Queries an LDAP server for the user's properties
This class implement the data sructure of the MCRLinkHref table.
This class hold all primary keys of MCRLINKHREF
This class manages all operations of the LinkTables for operations of an object.
This interface is designed to choose the persistence for the link tables.
This class manage all accesses to the link table database.
Same as a MCRProgressable but can listen to progress change events.
Does the same as @MCRModsItemDataProvider but you can provide multiple objects
Linked Open Data: Classification End point
Jersey configuration for Linked Open Data Endpoint
Linked Open Data: Root End point (Work in Progress - find some reasonable schema to for repository metadata)
Use this class to change log levels of java packages and classes.
Provides functionality to select login method, change login user and show a welcome page.
Invalidates a session and sends redirect to referring page.
This class provides methods to send emails from within a MyCoRe application.
Uses "e-mail-events.xsl" to transform derivate, object and files to emails.
This eventhandler deals with changes to the maindoc file.
Uses mapping from MCRObjectID base to DOI prefix to generate DOIs.
Experimental class to improve performance on delete and import operations.
Validates input to match a specified java.util.regex pattern.
Validates date values against a maximum date.
Validates input to be a decimal number and not bigger than a given value.
Validates values to be integer numbers not bigger than a given maximum value.
Validates text values to have a given maximum length Example: <xed:validate maxLength="250"
Validates text values to be "below" (in java.lang.String#compare order) a given maximum.
Builds an MD5 checksum String while content goes through this input stream.
MCRMerger is the main and default implementation for comparing and merging MODS elements that are semantically the same.
Builds appropriate MCRMerger instances for a given MODS XML element.
Provides a convenience method to merge one MODS element into another.
This class implements all method for handling with the MCRMetaAccessRule part of a metadata object.
This class implements all methods for handling with the MCRMetaAddress part of a metadata object.
This class implements all method for handling with the MCRMetaBoolean part of a metadata object.
This class implements all method for handling with the MCRMetaClassification part of a metadata object.
Delivers persistence operations for MCRObject and MCRDerivate .
This factory creates MCRMetadataShareAgent instances.
Stores XML metadata documents (or optionally any other BLOB data) in a persistent filesystem structure For each object type, a store must be defined as follows: MCR.IFS2.Store.DocPortal_document.Class=org.mycore.datamodel.ifs2.MCRMetadataStore MCR.IFS2.Store.DocPortal_document.BaseDir=/foo/bar MCR.IFS2.Store.DocPortal_document.SlotLayout=4-2-2 MCR.IFS2.Store.DocPortal_document.ForceXML=true (which is default)
Provides information about a stored version of metadata and allows to retrieve that version from SVN
This class implements all method for handling with the MCRMetaDateLangText part of a metadata object.
This class implements any methods for handling the basic data for all metadata classes of the metadata objects.
This class is designed to to have a basic class for all metadata.
A Link to a MCRDerivate.
Handles andle which information is present in the MCRMetaEnrichedLinkID for Derivates.
This class implements all methods for handling the MCRMetaHistoryDate part of a metadata object.
This class describes the structure of pair of language an text.
Entity implementation class for Entity: MCRMetaHistoryItem
This class implements all method for handling the IFS metadata.
This class implements all methods for handling with the MCRMetaInstitutionName part of a metadata object.
This interface is designed to to have a general description of the common method set of all metadata classes.
provides support for a restricted range of formats, all of which are valid ISO 8601 dates and times.
This class implements all method for handling with the MCRMetaLangText part of a metadata object.
This class implements all method for generic handling with the MCRMetaLink part of a metadata object.
This class implements all method for special handling with the MCRMetaLink part of a metadata object.
Implements methods to handle MCRMetaNumber fields of a metadata object.
This class implements all methods for handling a name with the MCRMetaPersonName datamodel.
Stores spatial information for geographic references.
This class implements all method for handling with the MCRMetaLangText part of a metadata object.
Base implementation for a METS generator.
Class indexes label attributes in mets files.
Base interface to create a mets.xml.
Factory to create mets generator's.
Base interface to select which mets generator should be chosen.
The default selector.
This class generates a METS xml file for the METS-Editor.
This is a helper class to help GSON to convert simple model to JSON.
Used to lock the mets editor for a specific Derivate
returns a structured METS document for any valid MyCoRe ID (object or derivate).
Class is responsible for saving a mets document to a derivate.
Simple data structure to hold data from mets.xml.
Validates date values against a minimum date.
Validates input to be a decimal number and not less than a given minimum value.
Validates values to be integer numbers not less than a given minimum value.
Validates text values to have a given minimum length Example: <xed:validate minLength="10"
Validates text values to be "after" (in java.lang.String#compare order) a given minimum.
Resolves a classification in parent style.
condition for fact-based access system, that checks if a certain value of the collection condition is set for the given object TODO Could probably be replaced with a more generic XPathCondition.
Different supported MODS date formats.
Helper class to parse and build MODS date elements, see
condition for fact-based access system, that checks if an embargo exists for a given MyCoRe object
This event handler updates the embargo dates in the Database.
condition for fact-based access system, that checks if a certain mods:genre is set.
Eventhandler for linking MODS_OBJECTTYPE document to MyCoRe classifications.
Builds a mods:extent[@unit='pages'] element from text containing pages information.
Represents all supported relatedItem type supported for metadata sharing and linking.
Provides functionality to sort MODS elements to a predefined order.
Compares and merges mods:name elements
Represents the root entry of a navigation.xml.
The super class of all navigation related items.
Represents a file, directory or file collection within a file store.
Aborts with 400 if a PUT request contains form data.
Default debugger for enrichment process.
This prematching filter checks the given MCRObjectIDs in an REST API call beginning with /objects, normalizes them and sends a redirect if necessary.
Maps response status Response.Status.FORBIDDEN to Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED if current user is guest.
A FilterInputStream that wraps any InputStream to prevent close() is called.
This condition negates its child condition (boolean NOT) Only the first child condition will be evaluated.
Default MyCoRe OAIAdapter implementation.
Classification set handler.
Combines the solr searcher and the deleted searcher.
Implements an OAI-PMH 2.0 Data Provider as a servlet.
Searcher for deleted records.
Simple MyCoRe implementation of a OAI-PMH Identify class.
Provides an interface to the MyCoRe object engine.
The result of a searcher query.
Base class to query different types of data in the mycore system.
Search manager of the mycore OAI-PMH implementation.
Base interface to handle mycore oai sets.
Manager class to handle OAI-PMH set specific behavior.
Simple implementation of a MCROAIResult with setter and getter methods.
Solr implementation of a MCROAIResult.
Solr searcher implementation.
Default implementation for a set configuration.
Utility class working as a client for the OAuth2 API of
Implements ORCID OAuth2 authorization.
This class holds all information of a metadata object.
Converts the source to an MCRObject object and transforms it to JSON using MCRObject.createJSON();
Use this class if you want to have a fallback to some default access rules.
This implementation creates an object cache for MyCoRe objects which are retrieved during the processing of the rules.
Provides static methods that implement commands for the MyCoRe command line interface.
This class implements all methode for handling one derivate data.
This class holds all informations and methods to handle the MyCoRe Object ID.
Converts MCRObjectID to String.
This fact implementation can store a MyCoRe object id and allows access to the corresponding MyCoRe object.
Use this wrapper if you want a MCRObjectID as a primary key with name id in your JPA mapping.
Use this class if you want to check against a MCRObjectID.
Helper class to merge mycore objects.
This class implements all methode for handling one object metadata part.
Used to Query a collection of mycore objects.
Allows to query objects using MCRObjectQuery.
This class implements all methods for handling MCRObject service data.
Serves a given MCROBject.
This class implements code for the inheritance of metadata of linked objects and the linking of derivates onto an MCRObject.
Use this class if you want to have a fallback to some default access rules.
This class contains several helper methods for MCRObject.
Simple way to provide a OcflRepository
Repository Provider for the MyCoRe-Storage-Layout
Provides information about a stored version of metadata and allows to retrieve that version from SVN
Prefixes to map MyCoRe IDs to OCFL object IDs.
Base Class to provide a OcflRepository.
Event Handler to Handle MCRUser Events for OCFL
OCFL File Manager for MyCoRe Classifications
Manages persistence of MCRObject and MCRDerivate xml metadata.
XML Manager to handle MCRUsers in a MyCoRe OCFL Repository
Utility class to work with the REST API of
Utility class to hold constants and namespace representation used in the XML of the ORCID API.
Represents the error information returned from ORCID's REST API in case request was not successful
Represents the profile of a given ORCID ID.
Represents the response on a request against the OAuth2 API of
Provides functionality to interact with MCRUser that is also an ORCID user.
/** This condition combines its child conditions with a boolean OR
Base class for every Packer.
Used to run a MCRPacker inside a MCRJobQueue
Used to pack packages in a specific format, using MCRJobQueue.
Servlet for MCRPackerManager.
Collects parameters used in XSL transformations, by copying them from MCRConfiguration, from the HTTP and MyCoRe session, from request attributes etc.
Use this class if you want to have a fallback to ancestor access rules.
This enum represents different hash type for user passwords.
IFS implementation of the Path interface.
MCRContent implementation that uses Java 7 FileSystem features.
Instances of this class represent a general exception thrown by the persistency layer of the MyCoRe implementation.
Thread safety: Implementation must not ensure that concurrent access is without side effects.
Checks deprecated properties and the configuration of MCRPIServices on startup
Handles various tasks that need to be executed time based: Check if created URNs are registered at the DNB
condition for fact-based access system, that checks if a persistent identifier was registered for the given object.
Implementation of a MCRPIService which helps to outsource a registration task to a MCRJob e.G. send a POST request to a REST api
Should be able to insert/remove DOI, URN or other identifiers to metadata and check if they already have a Identifier of type T
Just here for backward compatibility
A MCRPool allows thread safe pooling of thread unsafe objects.
This annotation tells which method should be called after the creation of the object.
PostProcessor for MyCoRe editor framework that allows execution of XSLT stylesheets after an editor is closed <xed:post-processor class="org.mycore.frontend.xeditor.MCRPostProcessorXSL" xsl="editor/ir_xeditor2mods.xsl" transformer="saxon" /> You can specify with param xsl the stylesheet, which should be processed and you can specify with parm transformer the XSLStylesheetProcessor ('xalan' or 'saxon').
Modifies a uploaded file before it will be written to the destination Derivate.
Objects can implement this interface if they are capable of being prioritized.
A supplier with a priority.
Describes an object which can be processed.
Defines a collection of coherent MCRProcessable.
Base event listener interface for adding/removing MCRProcessable of MCRProcessableCollection.
Base implementation of a processable collection.
A processable executor uses a ExecutorService to submit given tasks and returns a MCRProcessableSupplier.
Factory and utility methods for MCRProcessableExecutor.
Base event listener interface for adding/removing MCRProcessableCollection of an MCRProcessableRegistry.
The status of one MCRProcessable.
Base interface to listen to MCRProcessableStatus changes.
A processable supplier combines a Supplier and a MCRProcessable.
Helper class to encapsulate a task within a processable.
Base interface to send processables, collections and the registry over the wire.
Websocket implementation of sending processable objects.
Interface to apply a progress to a process.
Base interface to listen to MCRProgressable changes.
Like Properties but with in-place replacement of properties that want to append a value.
The MCRPropertiesResolver supports substitution of any %reference% in a String or Property instance.
Resolves the property values for the given key or key prefix.

Syntax: property:{key-prefix}* or
Result for a key prefix:
This annotation tells which properties need to be assigned to which field or method.
PURL Manager to register Persistent URLs on a PURL server
Represents a query with its condition and optional parameters
Represents a simple query condition, which consists of a search field, a value and a comparison operator.
Parses query conditions for use in MCRSearcher.
Returns the read-public access token to read public data from
A MCRReadWriteGuard acts like a ReadWriteLock but automatically wraps read and write operations accordingly.
Represents a realm of users.
Handles MCRRealm instantiation.
Implements URIResolver for realms realm:{realmID} returns information about this realm realm:local returns information about the local realm realm:all returns all realms
A FileVisitor to delete a directory recursivly
This condition checks if the given id or another fact matches a regular expression.
Compares and merges mods:relatedItem elements.
This class contains EventHandler methods to remove the access part of MCRObjects.
Removed request message body if MCRRemoveMsgBodyFilter.IGNORE_MESSAGE_BODY_HEADER is set.
Validates input to be required.
Used to mark REST methods that require an active JPA transaction
The REST API access permissions (read, write, delete)
Rest Controller that handles authentication.
REST API for classification objects.
stores error informations during REST requests
exception that can be thrown during rest api requests
maps a REST API exception to a proper response with message as JSON output
REST API for messages.
REST API methods to retrieve objects and derivates.
main utility class that handles REST requests to filter the XML output of showMCRObject, set the properties: MCR.RestAPI.v1.Filter.XML to your ContentTransformer-ID, MCR.ContentTransformer.
Rest API methods that cover SOLR searches.
Helper Object that stores information for sorting: sort field and sort order ToDo: Check if this can be replaced with SOLR functionality
Comparator to sort a collection of result objects by id or date ToDo: Check if this can be replaced with SOLR functionality
This class contains some generic utility functions for the REST API
The REST API access permissions (read, write, delete)
Jersey configuration
wraps an MCRObjectIDDate to return it via REST API and uses Instant instead of Date
Represents a token request against the OAuth2 API of
Represents the response on a token request against the OAuth2 API of
Represents a role of users.
This condition checks if the user of the current session is member of the given role.
Manages roles and role assignments using a database table.
This servlet is used in the role sub select for when administrate a user.
Reads an RSS feed referencing new publications and imports those publications that are not stored yet.
This serves as an interface to an underlying access controll system.
The purpose of this interface is to make the choice of the persistence layer configurable.
A CompletableFuture encapsulates a Supplier with an AsyncSupply.
On first access this class detects all components, that is either MyCoRe components or application modules, that are available via the current ClassLoader.
Compiles .scss to .css or .min.css using different sources (Importers)
An implementation of SecureToken V2 used by "Wowza Streaming Engine".
Filter for MCRFileNodeServlet that uses MCRSecureTokenV2 to check access to specific file types.
An optional interface to MCRContent implementations.
This event handler sets the service flags "createdby" and "modifiedby" for users who created / modified a MyCoReObject and also added a state service flag using classification defined in "MCR.Metadata.Service.State.Classification.ID" (default "state") and category defined in "MCR.Metadata.Service.State.Category.Default" (default "submitted").
This is the superclass of all MyCoRe servlets.
is a shutdown hook for the current ServletContext.
Imports scss files using ServletContext.
This class simply is a container for objects needed during a Servlet session like the HttpServletRequest and HttpServeltResponse.
Instances of this class collect information kept during a session like the currently active user, the preferred language etc.
Manages sessions for a MyCoRe system.
This Class will be stored in the a HttpSession and can be used to resolve the MCRSession.
Resource which provides information about mycore sessions.
Adds MCRSession information to the current ThreadContext.
is a wrapper for shutdown hooks.
Object is cleanly closeable via close()-call.
is a shutdown hook for the current Runtime.
This class converts MCRMetsSimpleModel to JSON
This Class converts MCRMetsSimpleModel to JDOM XML.
Transforms MyCoRe classification and category objects into SKOS resources
Wraps objects to be sent to solr in a content stream.
Base class for solr indexing using content streams.
Extract content and word coordinates of ALTO XML and adds it to the alto_words and alto_content field.
Solr extension of the category link service.
Extends the default category dao with solr support.
Simple helper class to handle a classification link in solr.
Some solr classification utility stuff.
Class provides useful solr related commands.
This class provides methods to reload a SOLR configuration using the SOLR configuration API see
Core instance of a solr server.
This interface is used to accumulate information of a file to a solr document.
Commits MCRFile objects to solr, be aware that the files are not indexed directly, but added to a list of sub index handlers.
Base interface for MCRFile specific strategies.
Base class for indexing with solr.
General interface to handle a single solr index process.
Solr index task which handles MCRSolrIndexHandler's.
Java class for MCRSolrInputDocument complex type.
Java class for MCRSolrInputDocumentList complex type.
Java class for MCRSolrInputField complex type.
Strategy that depends on a files mime type.
This class implements a proxy for access to the SOLR backend.

With the following configuration properties you can manipulate the response header.
Usage: solr:{optional core}:query Example: solr:q=%2BobjectType%3Ajpjournal Usage: solr:{optional core}:{optional requestHandler:<requestHandler>}:query Example: solr:requestHandler:browse-inventory:q=%2BobjectType%3Ajpjournal solr:mysolrcore:requestHandler:browse-inventory:q=%2BobjectType%3Ajpjournal
This class provides methods to reload a SOLR schema using the SOLR schema API see
Used to map a formular-post to a solr request.
Some solr search utils.
Spliterator for solr documents.
Convenience class for holding the parameters for the solr search url.
Represents a single sort criteria for sorting query results.
Resets jobs that took to long to tile.
Resets jobs that took to long to perform action.
Initializes classes that implement MCRStartupHandler.AutoExecutable interface that are defined via MCR.Startup.Class property.
This implementation of a condition checks if the given MyCoRe object or derivate has the given state entry in service flags.
The MCRStaticContent annotation marks a resource or method to run without a MyCoRe transaction, session or access filter.
Just for testing.
This servlet displays static *.xml files stored in the web application by sending them to MCRLayoutService.
Stores metadata files or file collections containing files and directories in a persistent store implemented using a local filesystem.
Represents an XML metadata document that is stored in MCRMetadataStore.
A file or directory really stored by importing it from outside the system.
Reads MCRContent from an input stream.
Helper methods to handle common Stream use cases.
This is a simple implemenation.
Reads MCRContent from a String's text.
This implementation can store a simple String as fact.
Authenticates a User with AuthCredentials.
Interface to tell the MyCoRe SwordV2 which MyCoRe Objects will be visible to sword and in which collections they are.
Handles request made to the Edit-IRI.
This implementation ignores the on-behalf-of header in request and just authenticate with MyCoRe user and password.
Let the application decide how to add metadata and resources.
Should supply the mycore sword implementation with the right MyCoReIds.
Supplies the Sword with results from solr.
A MCRUserInformation implementation with no roles attached.
Uses TAR format to deliver requested content.
Compiles XSL sources, reports compile errors and returns transformer instances for compiled templates.
Represents an XSL file that will be used in XSL transformation and which is loaded as a resource.
Normalizes text to be fault-tolerant when matching for duplicates.
This class parses and resolve strings which contains variables.
A condition is defined by squared brackets.
As escape character the backslashed is used.
Defines how deep the text is resolved.
A term is a defined part in a text.
Simple class to hold terms and instantiate them.
A simple text, every character is added to the term (except its a special one).
A variable is surrounded by curly brackets.
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result and throws an Exception.
This event handler creates iview2 files for title pages in PDFs which can be used as thumbnails in IIIF API
Combines tiles of an image in specific resolutions.
Holds all attributes for a specific tile.
Container class handled by hibernate to store and retrieve job information for the next tiling request.
Get a specific tile of an image.
A slave thread of MCRImageTiler This class can be extended.
Compares and merges mods:titleInfo elements.
Uses MCRXMLHelper.jsonSerialize(org.jdom2.Element) to transform the source (must be XML) to JSON.
Represents the response on a token request against the OAuth2 API of
This class implements an algorithm for topological ordering.
Transforms xml content in pretty, UTF-8 encoded format.
Allows debugging enrichment resolving steps.
Encapsulates a Callable with a mycore session and a database transaction.
Encapsulates a Runnable with a mycore session and a database transaction.
Basic transfer package containing a MCRObject, all its descendants, links, derivates (including their files) and referenced classifications.
Container for derivate files.
Using the MCRPacker API to build a MCRTransferPackage.
Contains utility methods for handling transfer packages.
Transforms MCRContent by using a pipe of multiple transformers.
provides services for internationalization in mycore application.
Simple FileVisitor that recursive copies a directory
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
Implementation of the boolean "true" primitive
Merges those MODS elements that must occur only oncy at a given level.
Merges MODS elements that must occur only once per type.
Removes Categories which can not be mapped from a other classification.
Created by chi on 01.02.17.
Handles UPDATE operation on MCRDerivate.
EventHandler updates the mets.xml after a file is added to an existing derivate.
Handles UPDATE operation on MCRObject.
This class does the server-side of uploading files from a client browser, which runs the upload applet.
handles uploads and store files directly into the IFS.
Common helper class for all services handling file upload.
Uses to configure MCRUploadViaFormServlet.
This servlet handles form based file upload.
Converts a URI to String for JPA 2.1.
Reads XML documents from various URI types.
provides a URI -- Resolver Mapping One can implement this interface to provide additional URI schemes this MCRURIResolver should handle, too.
Servlet Filter for adding debug information to servlet output.
Service for assigning granular URNs to Derivate.
Created by chi on 26.01.17.
Service for assigning granular URNs to Derivate.
Class wraps the urn/url in json as needed by the dnb urn service api.
This class registers urn for Metadata.
Instances of MCRUsageException are thrown when the MyCoRe API is used in an illegal way.
Represents a login user.
Automatically closes HttpSession of certain user agents.
URI-Resolver, that checks if a MyCoRe object is worldReadable or worldReadableComplete and certain user and role information It is used as replacement for Xalan-Java functions in XSLT3 stylesheets.
This class is used to map attributes on MCRUser or MCRUserInformation to annotated properties or methods.
This class provides a set of commands for the org.mycore.user2 management which can be used by the command line interface.
This condition checks if the current user matches the query string.
Encapsulates informations about the current authenticated user.
Allows to access information on the current user.
Manages all users using a database table.
Implements URIResolver for use in editor form user-editor.xml user:{userID} returns detailed user data including owned users and groups user:current returns detailed user data of the user currently logged in
Provides functionality to search for users, list users, retrieve, delete or update user data.
This class represent a general set of external methods to support the programming API.
Builds a new, unique NISS using Java implementation of the UUID specification. java.util.UUID creates 'only' version 4 UUIDs.
Represents an XML metadata document that is stored in a local filesystem store and in parallel in a Subversion repository to track and restore changes.
Stores metadata objects both in a local filesystem structure and in a Subversion repository.
Base configuration for the mycore image viewer.
Base class for the iview client configuration.
Use this class to build your MCRViewerConfiguration.
Strategy which decides which image viewer configuration should be loaded by the given request.
Default image viewer configuration.
Base resource for the mycore image viewer.
A virtual node in a file collection, which may be a child node of a container file type like zip or tar.
This Servlet can be bound to a URL where a Vue Build App with a createWebHistory() router is present.
This class provides methods to get, create and save MyCoRe webpages.
Default implementation of NavigationProvider.
The default implementation to convert MyCoRe Webpage sections from and to json.
MCRWCMSJSONProvider<O,J extends>
Connection between the Navigation Datamodel and the WCMS.
Is a wrapper class around command execution.
Default mycore configuration for websocket endpoints.
Decodes a json string to a gson object.
Represents a single "work", that means a publication within the "works" section of an ORCID profile, from a single source.
When a publication is created or updated locally in this application, collects all name identifiers from the MODS metadata, looks up login users that have one of these identifiers, e.g.
A JAXB XML Adapter that parses String to MCRCondition an back.
Provides functionality to fetch work groups, work summaries and work details from a remote ORCID profile
Represents the source application that generated the work entry in the ORCID profile.
Provides functionality to create, update and delete works in the remote ORCID profile
Represents the "works" section of an ORCID profile with grouped works
If you implement this interface then you should have a default constructor if you want it to use with.
Takes XHTML as input and transforms it to a PDF file
Interface for Classification Storage Manager
Reads MCRContent from an XML document.
This class provides some static utility methods to deal with XML/DOM elements, nodes etc.
This class manages all operations of the XMLTables for operations of an object or derivate.
Provides an adapter to communicate with the configured MCRXMLMetadataManagerAdapter implementation.
Provides an abstract class for persistence managers of MCRObject and MCRDerivate xml metadata to extend, with methods to perform CRUD operations on object metadata.
Parses XML content and returns it as JDOM document.
Handles errors during XML parsing.
Returns validating or non-validating XML parsers.
Parses XML content using specified XMLReaderJDOMFactory.
provides a cache for reading XML resources.
This Class is used to converts mets.xml to MCRMetsSimpleModel.
Builds an absolute XPath expression for a given element or attribute within a JDOM XML structure.
Validates using an XPath test expression.
Transforms XML content using a static XSL stylesheet.
Transforms XML content using a static XSL stylesheet.
Lists all *.xsl stylesheets in the web application located in any WEB-INF/lib/*.jar or WEB-INF/classes/xsl/ or in MCRConfigurationDir, outputs the dependencies (import/include) and contained templates.
This class implements XSLTransformation functions to be used in all other MyCoRe packages.
Transforms XML content using a static XSL stylesheet.
Returns a Transformer for a given XSL source, providing caching of already compiled XSL stylesheets.
Uses ZIP format to deliver requested content.
Converts a ZonedDateTime to Date for JPA 2.1.
This class provides a simple way to dynamically create MyCoRe webpages.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.mycore.solr.index.document.jaxb package.