Der Abschnitt beschreibt Vorgehensweisen zur Sicherung und Wiederherstellung der Daten mit Applikationsmitteln.
Ein weiterer Schritt zur Sicherung der daten ist das komplette Auslesen des Datenbestandes und die
Speicherung auf einem externen (ggf. Netzwerk-) Filesystem. Mit dieser Methode lassen sich auch Migrationen
durchführen. Die MyCoRe Kommandozeile
hält dafür einige Kommandos bereit, welche die Daten in definierte
Verzeichnisse ablegen.
Ggf. können die Kommandos auch in Scripte eingebaut werden und über cron-Jobs
zyklisch gestartet werden. Neben den eigentlichen Daten können auch Benutzerinformationen und Klassifikationen
gesichert werden.
Export für MyCoRe-Objekte
export object {0} to directory {1} with stylesheet {2}
Stores the MCRObject with the MCRObjectID {0} to the directory {1} with the stylesheet {2}-object.xsl. For {2}, the default is xsl/save.
export object {0} to directory {1} with transformer {2}
Stores the MCRObject with the MCRObjectID {0} to the directory {1} with the transformer {2}.
export all objects of type {0} to directory {1} with stylesheet {2}
Stores all MCRObjects with MCRObjectID's between {0} and {1} to the directory {2} with the stylesheet {3}-object.xsl. For {3}, the default is xsl/save.
export objects from {0} to {1} to directory {2} with stylesheet {3}
Stores all MCRObjects with MCRObjectID's between {0} and {1} to the directory {2} with the stylesheet {3}-object.xsl. For {3}, the default is xsl/save.
export objects from {0} to {1} to directory {2} with transformer {3}
Stores all MCRObjects with MCRObjectID's between {0} and {1} to the directory {2} with the transformer {3}.
export all objects of base {0} to directory {1} with stylesheet {2}
Stores all MCRObjects of base {0} to directory {1} with the stylesheet {2}-object.xsl. For {2}, the default is xsl/save.
export all objects of type {0} to directory {1} with stylesheet {2}
Stores all MCRObjects of type {0} to directory {1} with the stylesheet {2}-object.xsl. For {2}, the default is xsl/save.
Export für MyCoRe-Derivate
export derivate {0} to directory {1} with stylesheet {2}
Stores the derivate with the MCRObjectID {0} to the directory {1} with the stylesheet {2}-derivate.xsl. For {2}, the default is xsl/save.
export derivates from {0} to {1} to directory {2} with stylesheet {3}
Stores all derivates with MCRObjectID's between {0} and {1} to the directory {2} with the stylesheet {3}-derivate.xsl. For {3}, the default is xsl/save.
export all derivates of project {0} to directory {1} with stylesheet {2}
Stores all derivates to the directory {0} with the stylesheet {1}-derivate.xsl. For {1}, the default is xsl/save.
export all derivates to directory {0} with stylesheet {1}
Stores all derivates of project {0} to the directory {1} with the stylesheet {2}-derivate.xsl. For {2}, the default is xsl/save.
Export für MyCoRe-Klassifikationen
export classification {0} to directory {1} with stylesheet {2}
The command exports the classification with MCRObjectID {0} as xml file to directory named {1} using the
stylesheet {2}-object.xsl. For {2} save is the default.
export all classifications to directory {0} with stylesheet {1}
The command store all classifications to the directory with name {0} with the stylesheet {1}-object.xsl.
{1} save is the default.
Export für MyCoRe-Benutzer und Zugriffsrechte
export user {0} to file {1}
Exports the data of user {0} to the file {1}.
export all users to directory {0}
Exports the data of all users to the directory {0}.
export all permissions to file {0}
Export all permissions from the Access Control System to the file {0}.
Die mittels der Export-Kommandos gesicherten Daten können im Bedarfsfall wieder in ein ggf. neu erstelltes
System über die MyCoRe Kommandozeile eingespielt werden. Dabei sollte die nachfolgende Reihenfolge eingehalten werden.
Laden der Klassifikationen
Laden der Nutzer
Laden der Zugriffsrechte
Laden der MyCoRe-Objekte (vorzugsweise unter Berücksichtigung der Eltern-Kind-Bezieheung)
Laden der MyCoRe-Derivate
Import für MyCoRe-Objekte
load object from file {0}
Adds a MCRObject from the file {0} to the system.
load all objects from directory {0}
Loads all MCRObjects from the directory {0} to the system.
load all objects in topological order from directory {0}
Loads all MCRObjects form the directory {0} to the system respecting the order of parents and children.
update object from file {0}
Updates a MCRObject from the file {0} in the system.
update all objects from directory {0}
Updates all MCRObjects from the directory {0} in the system.
update all objects in topological order from directory {0}
Updates all MCRObjects from the directory {0} in the system respecting the order of parents and children.
Import für MyCoRe-Derivate
load derivate from file {0}
The command add a derivate form the file {0} to the system.
load all derivates from directory {0}
The command load all derivates form the directory {0} to the system.
Import für MyCoRe-Klassifikationen
load classification from file {0}
The command adds a new classification from file {0} to the system.
load all classifications from directory {0}
The command add all classifications in the directory {0} to the system.
update classification from file {0}
The command updates a classification from file {0} to the system.
update all classifications from directory {0}
The command update all classifications in the directory {0} to the system.
Import für MyCoRe-Benutzer und Zugriffsrechte
import user from file {0}
Imports a user from file {0}.
import all users from directory {0}
Imports all users from directory {0}.
load permissions data from file {0}
The command loads the permissions data of the access control system with data from the file {0}.
update permission {0} for id {1} with rulefile {2} described by {3}
The command updates access rule for a given id of a given permission with a given special rule
update permission {0} for id {1} with rulefile {2}
The command updates access rule for a given id of a given permission with a given special rule